Morning Thoughts – Create Daily

We spend too much of our time being consumers. Reading news, watching Netflix, scrolling social media streams.

To counteract that hyper-consumption, create something every day.

The act of making something fuels your creative side. It makes you more creative and innovative.

Consumption does not.

Create something — anything —and bring it into this world.

  • Write

  • Sketch

  • Play music

  • Make art

  • Record a podcast

  • Take photos

Makers leave a legacy behind. They leave their mark on this world.

Consumers do not.

No one speaks fondly of someone by saying, “Well, they sure did watch a lot of shows!” or “They were a darn good social media scroller!”

Start in the smallest, easiest way possible.

Make something.

Create something.

Share it with the world.


  1. Larry Cornett, Ph.D. on August 17, 2021 at 11:35 PM

    Sorry this was late today. Dealing with some wildfire issues in California right now